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Service:Heiros Gamos Light Body Healing Treatment add another, change

Detox, heal, and align with this fusion of attunements and massage.  Heal from Soul Separation, emotional and physical trauma, surgery, medications, drugs, food addiction, or just relax with the soothing blend of aromatherapy infused in a butterfly cocoon wrap.  Gentle massage and MediCupping will detox and rejuvenate the skin and lymph while riding the body of everyday toxins, residues from drugs, and stagnant emotions.  The cups sedate the nervous system and increase lymph drainage and circulation while preparing the body for maximum absorption of aromatherapy.  You will be cocoon wrapped with the appropriate blend of essential oils while extra attention is spent on the head and feet for the ultimate in reflexology, relaxation, and healing.  Guided imagery, Akashic Field Reading, DNA and Blueprint restructuring,  Light Body Energy, and sound frequency will be used to attune your body to your highest good.  A One Hour FIR Session or a Freshly Pressed Juice comes with this Healing Session.  You will leave feeling as beautiful as a butterfly on the inside and out.   
Therapist: Kavita Dasjot Kaur LMT
Date/time:Choose one of the openings below. (EDT)